What do the 🔥 spice levels mean?

🔥 1/5 Spice - Beginner

Speeds are slow to moderate, distances are approximately 3-10 miles, with many breaks. Skaters should know how to do basic forward stride, roll over small cracks or seams, and slow or stop on their own with at least one basic technique (t-stop, carving, etc). 1/5 Spice skates have little to no elevation up or down. There will also be experienced skaters on these skates to assist with knowledge or techniques.

🔥🔥  2/5 Spice - Beginner/Intermediate

Speed will be steady pace along scenic routes up to 10-15 miles, with a moderate amount of breaks for views and cool downs. Each skater should be able to stride over a variety of surfaces including some uneven terrain and small cracks. Routes can include bike lanes and sidewalks where necessary, and will cross intersections meaning you need to have the ability to stop within 15-20 feet when needed. There will be moderate inclines and declines, but typically they will be short and not very steep.

🔥🔥🔥  3/5 Spice - Intermediate

Three spice skates will take place in urban settings, at moderate speeds spanning up to 10 miles. A few main breaks will take place at landmarks along the route, enabling us to enjoy the inner urban spaces for a few minutes each before continuing. Skaters should be well versed in strides, uneven surfaces and cracks, speed control, and stopping techniques (At least one strong stop). Skates may enter the street at time so skaters need to be conscious of traffic and pay attention to the marshals’ directions to stay safe.

These skates have moderate inclines and declines throughout the city, a few of them long and at various grades of steepness. Again, being able to slow and stop even on hills is important considering Seattle’s topography.

🔥🔥🔥🔥  4/5 Spice - Advanced

Our single four Spice skate for the weekend will take place at night on Thursday, the first night of the skate.

This level of skate requires strong and fast skating techniques, including the need to able to slow at high speeds and stop on a dime, even on hills and rough terrain. We will be skating in the streets and bombing down some of the bigger and longer hills around Seattle. Focus and stamina are integral to this level of skate, and we look forward to tearing up the city with everyone!

🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥  5/5 Spice - Advanced + Stamina

The single five star spice skate happens on the last day of the Spicy Salmon Roll, c rossing both floating bridges and covering many miles.

Five star spice skates involve high speed hill bombs of up to 30-40mph, and long distances of up to 30 miles total. These skates absolutely require speed control techniques on hills at high speed such as snowplow, strong t-stop at speed, magic slides, etc. There will be numerous hills to climb as well as bomb down so stamina is important. Be prepared for any surface, traffic, and obstacles.

General Info

Each skate will have marshals who will guide the group through each route and be sure everybody is safe and on track.

Marshals will be clearly marked with a special jersey and present at every skate.

Many of the marshals will carry parts, tools, and knowledge in case anyone has issues with their gear and need a repair. Marshals can also assist with some basic techniques before each skate, and feel free to ask them anything about the event. Many will also carry basic first aid for the events.

What can I expect from this event?

Check out the specific schedule of events. You can expect 4 days of skating routes exploring the diverse and beautiful skating terrain that Seattle has to offer! Each route will be handcrafted by our local experts and range across a diversity of skill level, distance, and difficulty. We expect to have folks join from all over - the bigger the group, the more fun the skate! There will be many opportunities to socialize and meet people from skating communities all over.

Who is hosting this?

The Seattle Distance Skating Club is hosting this event! We host weekly skates in the Seattle area to bring skaters of all levels together to explore trails amd city landscapes, enjoying the views and the friendship. Our regular Tuesday skates are all-level, at the pace of the slowest skater, no one left behind. Our regular Saturday skates are at the intermediate/advanced level and explore more difficult, hilly, or diverse terrain. All skaters are welcome to join and start having fun with us.

Where in the city will the skates take place?

The routes will take place in diverse locations all over Seattle, showing off the best of what our beautiful Emerald City has to offer. Check out the schedule to find route details for each day of the event!

How good do you have to be to participate?

Each skate will be rated on a 1-5 🔥 spice scale for skaters to assess against their own skill level and what they can expect from each route. In general, skaters should be able to stride, turn, and perform at least one basic stop. All skates will have regular rest stops to regroup, refuel, hydrate, and recover. Additionally, each skate will have a leader to ensure no one gets left behind or lost on the route.

What do I need to bring?

We ask that all skaters use protective equipment: helmets, elbow pads, kneepads, and wrist guards. Additionally, for nighttime skates, you need to bring a form of light - the more the better. Headlamps, blinking lights, reflective clothing or accessories are highly encouraged for post-sunset skates.

For every skate, skaters should assess the weather and dress appropriately. Seattle can get hot in the summer! Bring adequate water and food on each skate.

Where can I get gear? Skates, wheels, bearings, etc

Check out Shop Task in South Lake Union!

Can I ride Seattle’s public transit with skates on?

Legally: "[Unlawful transit conduct:] Skates on roller skates or in-line skates, or rides in or upon or by any means a coaster, skateboard, toy vehicle, or any similar device. However, a person may walk while wearing skates or carry a skateboard while on or in a transit vehicle or in or at a transit station if that conduct is not otherwise prohibited by law."

In summary: if you are very careful to "walk" and not "skate" then it is legal to wear skates on King County metro, including buses and the light rail; otherwise you may be subject to a fine. We cannot endorse any particular behavior, you may choose behavior at your own risk.